Lumeinshin does your project need music?
Lumeinshin does your project need music?
barriszta Your songs are really good. Definitely has the vibe of those jrpgs where 4 teenagers use tha power of friendship to kill God.
I have been listening to a lot of tracker music lately, but I have only a small amount of experience using them. How do you get used to the workflow, if you are used to more modern DAWs?
yukarihinata I havent really made any headway on that at all sadly and I think anything like that will have to go on the backburner for a year or so.
I am tempted to do some more work with the forum, maybe some video ads. I may commission you in some capacity depending how that develops. Thank you for the offer though and if I do any vidya work i'll give you a shout!
barriszta sounds good, I used to follow some bandcamp artists that made similar. I never ended up buying any of their tapes tho sadly. The dreamy sounding stuff is nice but for casual listening i'm more of a pop or metal guy
I have begun work on a new rpg maker game.
20 days on the free trial and lots to relearn.
It's been very fun seeing how much stuff I remember has translated to the new version.
Last one I used was VX with most of my time on XP.
MZ is a similar but different beast.
If I manage to stick with it for the full 20 days I'll pull the trigger and buy the new engine. My code for VX still worked, I tried it. But I feel like I need some sort of new and fresh investment to force myself to keep going at the start.
First of all; thank you!
And about your question.
Well, for me, it was a matter of doing one or two songs; it was HORRIBLE at first but, after watching the tutorial i sent before and having a sample pack where i could get good quality sounds, i got the hang of it.
I started to understand how to use Schism Tracker that way, it's pretty confusing at first, but trust me, if you have 3 hours of free time, then you'll get the hang of whatever tracker software you want to use.
After that, you increasingly get better and better, until you stop using loops and you completely embrace only sample notes, in order to create your own melodies.
I wouldn't recommend trying to do the same stuff you do on a modern DAW like Ableton on a tracker like OpenMPT or whatever.
Both programs are powerful and such, but it's obvious that trackers are less complex and therefore, you can't do certain things
with the same ease.
The reason as to why i wanted to use trackers in the first place is because they let me be more creative; the simplicity of them gives me fuel to actually create new stuff; so i would recommend that you find something similar.
Maybe you like the interface, or just the mere concept of composing music in a different way.
Trackers are DAW's, but very archaic and weird ones, so take that in mind in order to not get stuck.
Oh, and the sample packs.
I don't know if you already use some of the cool ones, but i'll put some links that might be helpful.
(I putted a reddit link in here but it didn't showed up correctly, so just search: "Jungle Warfare Zero G" And a reddit post with a download link to mediafire should appear)
By the way, i was curious; what tracker are you using?
Thanks. Not really using any trackers now. What would you reccomend for a beginner?
As for what you posted, I think that sometimes the more limitations you have the more it forces you to be creative. I think that is why the workflow appeals to some people. Thats why I want to learn more. It seems like an interesting way to make music.
If you've never touched a tracker in your life, im pretty sure that the best one to start is Schism Tracker, which is also the one i use to do music.
Lumeinshin I'm working on a anime game in Roblox, its about Fullmetal Alchemist. I've been working on it since the beginning of the year, even though the first semester I did almost no progress at all.
I've been looking at SGDK (megadrive devkit) in my off time, partly to learn C, but also because I like the console. Its interesting but theres been some lingo changes in the newer versions and its caused me some issues. So i'll have to actually follow online tutorials from the beginning than try to just do things and learn as i make what i want.
The Gardener Sounds good, I remember playing Roblox Naruto games over a decade ago . They werent as good as i've seen these days but they were fun. So long as you've got the gameplay down people will enjoy it!
Lumeinshin Thank you! I believe that many games today on the platform focus more on the graphics which results in the lack of the gameplay, while graphics are necessary, the need for the gameplay is bigger than the graphics itself.
I am working on an operating system for the Raspberry Pi Zero. Git says I started working on it on April 20th and somewhat consistently until early July, when I stopped. I got back to working on it this week.
I am still far from having anything that is actually usable, right now it's basically a bunch of components that sort of work. I have virtual memory, a preemptive scheduler, drivers for UART+sd cards+gpu (simple mailbox-based one, no 3d acceleration), a fat32 filesystem read-only implementation (short filenames only though) and i just added an ELF loader.
Here's a screenshot of my OS loading a "hello world" program from an sd card formatted with fat32 and not exploding afterwards. Don't focus on the graphics, that background is just because I wanted to test the graphics.
That is really cool dude, if you have text and a background, you've got something amazing there already!
what language have you done it in? and do you have any goals for where you'll consider it a complete product/version 1.0?
I'll be interested to see it running on the real deal. Please do keep us up to date on it!
It's C++ even though I haven't used many features of it. I limit myself to writing in a old C style + using 'auto', lambdas, references, constexpr and some templates. I got bit too many times in the past by accidental bugs caused by me trying to be clever with the other features so I'm a lot more conservative on that nowadays.
This is mostly for me to prove to myself I can do it. My big goal would have been to run doom on it but I don't know if i'll ever reach that since I would have to implement a USB stack and a usb keyboard driver to actually play the game.
I tried running it on real hardware in the past, it didn't get far but I also didn't spend any time debugging why. I should have started testing on real hardware since the beginning but it's such a hassle to prepare the binary, load it in the sd card, move to the device and repeat...
I'm trying to make an album. It is/was kinda supposed to be a mix of Boards of Canada, Venetian Snares, Nightcore, My Bloody Valentine, and Burial. It unfortunately, sounds absolutely nothing like that. Here's the first song I've made so far. It's supposed to be track 2, after a short intro.
I might try the BoC/VSnares/Nightcore/MBV/Burial thing again with the next songs. It would be cool if I could get my Focusrite thingy to work.
I am currently working on rebuilding my house from the ground up, basically. I bought it like three years ago and had planned to do some heavy reno, but it turned out that some time after 2014 there had been a gigantic termite infestation, which was on top of heavy water damage to the bathroom floor. So I've basically gutted the whole thing. Spent the last month digging trenches for the new plumbing (digging in the crawlspace, so small tools plus digging in hard clay). Going to be blocking out the new pipes this weekend.
Probably the most annoying roadblock that we've hit is that sections of the original floor need replacing, and due to how the floors were built we need oak boards that are a minimum of 4ft long. Except we can't find any vendors who will guarantee that minimum. Why? They don't say. They just won't do it. Work on the walls is completely stonewalled until I can find a source for floorboards and it's looking more and more like I'm going to have to drive all the way to Missouri and pick up some planks from Menards just to get what I need.
The Gardener
I'm living with my parents. We knew it was going to be a project when I bought it, and my dad was and is on board to help me work on it, it's just way beyond what we expected it to be going in. We've just been chewing on it every weekend.
And yeah, it'll be beautiful when we're done. It's a hundred year old home on a very nice lot. A few pecan trees that must be as old as the home, plus it backs up into a hayfield so the view out the back yard is very pretty most of the year. I do sorta wish I was already done though.
I just inked this, next I'll start the watercolor.
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