What are you working on?
got any longer term projects you're putting together, something you are trying to learn?
How long have you been doing your project?
What are you working on?
got any longer term projects you're putting together, something you are trying to learn?
How long have you been doing your project?
As i'm sure you can guess, this forum is my largest personal project. I am typically quite poor when it comes to managing my free time.
I did do a big project proposal document for work but that basically got ignored sooooo
I'm tempted to do something small via RPGMaker but I gotta figure out my goal
I tend to start things and abandon all of them. about a week ago I started a painting but only the background is done so far. I will see when I feel like picking it up again.
something small via RPGMaker
Please share it when you finish!
yeah yeah i hope to
need to get it running in linux first properly
make sure to show me your painting if you finish! I still remember the cats one
I've been working my way through AoC 2022 in python. I'm not having much in the way of doing them yet, it's just making it a habit to do so.
Same way with learning nipponese.
I made an RPG maker game once. It was one of the most exciting things I ever did.
Very fun, but I did not back it up and my HDD died so it's gone forever.
Be safe and back up your stuff!
Lumeinshin Oh RPG Maker is something I haven't thought of in a really long time, super powerful engine for the reputation it has. Best of luck oyakata-sama.
Fantasy Shame, I hope that didn't dissuade you from working on anything else of that scale, game development is one of the small joys in life imo
Personally I'm making a small project featuring cute little onion people trying to reach their god. Game Maker is kind of a trash engine but it's been working well enough for a couple of years and it's really coming along.
I've got a few different things I'm working on/planning for: someday starting up my podcast again, do some more painting, get supplies to shoot black powder rifles, make more music.. Being patient is my biggest struggle.
My biggest project currently is my own Website I'm making, Which still needs some areas before It just only becomes purely updates from here on out. But I do have various other projects that's more in thought revolving around my own characters.
I would love to know if you can get RPG Maker working on Linux! I think that's practically one of the few things that have prevented me from switching but Hopefully I can learn a more open source code game framework in the future.
Otherwise, I think OHRRPGCE would be something interesting to check out. FOSS and it's also on linux.
Created my own game dev general, but just saw this thread and thought it'd be more suitable here because of RPG Maker talk. Anyways, my topic was about the struggle between posting previews and keeping absolute secrecy. I feel like my work ethic is completely wrecked. I want to keep secrecy and conserve surprises for the playing experience, but the anticipation of posting a preview gets me through grueling development. I can't be the only one who has this awful habit.
This is a project I've been working on for around 1.5 months now. It's an RPG Maker game about you, the strongest patriot, aiding REAGAN in the quest to overthrow DARK REAGAN. I'm copying the Sound Stone system from EarthBound, but instead of recording the 8 melodies at sanctuaries, it's parts of the national anthem at American landmarks.
I'm working on my Battletech minis, working on my new house, and I want to build a ballista in the garage for fun. Yesterday I rewired my kitchen so it no longer has 60 year old cloth jacket wiring that probably contains asbestos.
This sounds quite interesting. would you be going for a comedy or something somewhat spooky akin to the sorts of 'analogue horror' youtube video type stuff, where theres an alt history with a bizarre turn?
I've been busy at work (and been ill lately) but I will let you know if i do, so far its just the runtime not playing ball. There is EasyRPGPlayer for running completed games, but ofc i need to be able to test stuff whilst its in dev. Ive got one of those chinese handhelds and thats part of why i want to use it, easyrpgplayer works like a charm on it.
No, just a funny little game. I think analog horror's cringe
Lumeinshin I imagine something with no obvious end in sight will likely count. I started an abstract comic strip, kind of meant to be an art block killer…but not really?
"Dominion of Darkness” is a free (totally fre, not pay to win or anything) strategy/RPG text game in which the player takes on the role of a Lord of Darkness with the goal of conquering the world. He will carry out his plans by making various decisions. He will build his army and send it into battles, weave intrigues and deceptions, create secret spy networks and sectarian cults, recruit agents and commanders, corrupt representatives of Free Peoples and sow discord among them, collect magical artifacts and perform sinister plots. But be aware - there are things older and more tiwsted in the universe than You. Note – one game takes about 1 hour, but the premise is that the game can be approached several times, each time making different decisions, getting different results and discovering something new.
Have a book plotted out with tons of references, a sequel to the one I've already written, but I've layed it aside because I think words just do not cut it - I need illustrations. And I am too poor to hire an artist, so the only option is to kidnap one and force him into submission and slavery learn to draw myself.
I haven't shared the first book anywhere either because of the very same reasons.
And, of course, countless notes and scraps of mods for different games lying around that I will finish one day. It is not some kind of a... metaphor for something abandoned - I know I will finish them one day. I came back for Just Cause after it laid on my desktop for 12 years and it turned to be one of my best thingamabobs so far. So no matter how much they will lie around, I know I will finish them one day. is a forum running on the Flarum software, use of the forum is free. Please enjoy your time.
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