After rereading the chapter on machinery in Economics in One Lesson, I'm no longer concerned with AI in art at all.
People like to bring up the luddites, and how machinery endangered textile workers But what they often fail to mention is that after a short while, the number of people working in the textile industry actually increased thanks to the machinery... by 4000% And to top thst off, textiles became cheaper and more affordable to everyone. The same thing has happened in othee industries and that's what I believe will happen with art.
When there is only a small number of artists around, who may take years to develop their skills, there is less art. The pool of artists who can be enployed is small. But thanks to new machinery the pool of people who to employ in artistic work will be increased enormously, and so will the amount of art. After all, you still need people to use AI programs and to edit and apply their results.
The lesson of the book is to never look at things only in the short term, and to always examine the long term effect of desicions.