Comsat RexNewbie
I've played around with Stable Diffusion (Images), LLMs (Chatbots), and a tad but of RVC (Voice Cloning) and had a lot of fun getting them up and working. It all scratches the stockholm syndrome level of enjoyment I get from computer troubleshooting. I would still think that anyone who knows a lot about AI will look at my opinions the same way I look at beginner opinions on topics I'm hyper knowledgeable about, but its a ruthlessly fun topic to speculate about. So I will.
I don't feel AI will ever reach the heights of whats being said by either the extremes. The anti-AI crowd doesn't seem interested in being hyper knowledgeable or realistic, because it detracts from the "possible future" that can scare the public. The vocal pro AI people will do the same for the opposite side of the coin, and seem to be cryptobros more concerned with making cash than understanding technology. Locally having uncensored chatbots that are better than Chat GPT-3.5 is already a reality, but most people aren't tech literate enough to put that to any sort of personal use advantage.
Evernight This is all true. What I hope happens is that a updated daily AI can make the search engine obsolete. I'd much rather have direct responses built from multiple sources than the ad riddled and algorithm driven mess than google searches have become. I really despite a lot of tech standards today (part of the reason I'm on this site) and AI has the potential to burn down the current standards in place of new ones. Clearly, there is a large interest in having that be censored from the beginning, but so is everything else today. You also can't really "jailbreak" a search engine like you can with AI, other than filetype:pdf and the like.
The government will show up late to regulate, companies will go all-in for too good to be true technologies like usual, and the world will shift to adopt. Scammers will get better, AI art will become common for applications that are already phoning it in, and violently shunned in more artistic spaces. As with the giant leaps in technology that were VHS and the internet, the biggest change the majority of people will feel will be pornography. Probably.