I've not been reading as much lately, just been busy and lazy to be honest.
I did finish all the books in the Jacques McKeown series and I enjoyed them all quite a lot.
I am currently reading The Grief Doctor by Jack Anderson, its definitely well written and interesting, although currently i'm not able to give an interesting synopsis that would do it justice since theres so many questions right now.
There was a bit of time though the other day where I went to my local bookstore and bought a couple books, so I now have flowers for algernon in my list of books to read as well as a book called Touching Cloth which is a memoir of sorts about a priest living on contemporary times. I thought it might be interesting to see how the church functions now and a bit behind the scenes stuff.
ig Blood Meridian is on my list to read too! I don't have much in the way of recommendations though. I suppose it'd depend on what you liked about LOTR