Heh, I can talk all day about cars. Frankly, wanted to create a thread like this myself, but didn't quite want to talk with myself, as it usually happens... I've got the fever for the muscle cars and hot-rods. I run a section for these machines on my site, even though it has been quite inactive, because, well, as I've said it feels like talking to myself, and the man can talk to himself only so long. You are welcome to check it out. Even though it is on my language, the images are still there to drool upon (or at least that's what I do): https://rockthistown.ru/machines/
1996FordMondeo I want to share my personal automobile. An Alfa Romeo 155.
This is fucking badass, mate. Shame to hear it doesn't run. As for me, I've had three cars. Still own two. First car was Ford Focus, first generation, like the one in the first NFS Underground, but with five doors. Neat machine. I've crashed it at over 100 km/h, restored it, drove it a bit more, but at one point sold it to buy a dirt cheap Ford Focus CC. I was very, very lucky, and it served me nicely for almost ten years. I've drove about 4000 km on it one summer. Unfortunately, it stands in one place for almost a year at this point. First, the roof stopped to work. And then, as I have no money, I've tried to find a cheaper way to fix it, but long story short it ended up being worse. The whole suspension had to be replaced. I've actually finally managed to gather some money to do that, so it made a short ride to the garage, but now it is back to the place where it stood for the previous year, as I'm slowly trying to repair minor electrical problems - like taillights and stuff. Still have no idea what to do with a roof, Seems like no one in this country is skilled enough to repair that. There's also a mold that started to appear in the interior... ugh, I'll probably never be able to restore it to look like the one on the photo below again.

The last car I own is a soviet GAZ 24. In relatively good quality, and it was cheaper than dirt (like, 650 bucks). I've had photos of it once, but cannot find them. Probably deleted them. They were nothing spectacular though, since the car is buried under tons of junk in my garage, where it stands for fifth year or so. It is a nice first generation with chrome bumpers, and I've bought a V8 engine from some truck (55 more bucks) and a horizontal speedometer for it which I kind of still hope to install one day, but I have neither time nor money to actually work on it. I've did several laps around the block on this 24 back when I've bought it and that was it. Man, by now I wonder if I'll even be able to handle manual transmission...
Here's also the recent story which I like to relate:
Back in the 00's I saw a Scooter's video for The Logical Song. It had a cool silver Mercedes. Not sure what happened - perhaps, I've simply missed the name blurb, but I remember I couldn't find that song again for years.
I remember I've eventually heard it once again somewhere around 2007 or so and actually had to come up and ask what is the name of the song that plays... And that's how I found out it is Scooter's version of The Logical Song.
Even then I couldn't find nothing about the car for years. I believe, someone on IMCDB mentioned that the car was in Chrom & Flammen, but it still took some time monitoring those second-hand magazines to stumble upon the right issue.
And then even getting one was hard. I've finally found one in 2022 and the guy who sold it declined my first attempt to get it, since I am from Russia, and we've managed to become bad guys at that point.
I've asked my friend from US to order it for me onto my US-middleman address, and the dude cancelled the order because of the russian name in it.
Said something about russians circumventing sanctions or something...
That was summer 2022. Luckily, nobody bought the magazine until I found another guy to get it for me. I've finally got it in April 2023.
Hey, if anyone would like the scans in the original quality - let me know. Here's one compressed scan:

Yea, it was black in the magazine. Obviously was repainted some time between the article and the Scooter's music video, but it is the same car without a doubt.
Overall, I'm collecting... everything's that is related to american golden era of motorism. I have a number of magazines...

They are awesome, truly. The DIY sections are bonkers by today's standards. They are all like: "take a fucking chisel and make a hole in a roof. Then weld some iron for a nice scoop. Then just polish it. Don't be a pussy".

(let me know if you need a full article)
I'm having tons of screenshots from video games.

Check this setup out, it has 8 pipes. A pipe for each cylinder, I love this.
And, in the end of the day, I just have some photos.

This particular photo was a pain to scrape. Basically, every watermark represents a separate image. I've had to download it square by sqaure and then connect them all in Photoshop. It is still miles above the previous rear view photo of this car I have:

So I was pleasantly surprised to find an HQ one, even if it is watermarked to hell.
So... yea, I can talk forever about anything with an american V-shaped engine. You need something? Photos, screenshots, magazine scans, whatever? You hit me up - I'll upload those somewhere for you. I live to share stuff. I do not understand how hoarders exist. And it just pains me to have all this stuff on my HDD without an audience. Cars were an art. All these photos, screenshots and magazines should be shown like paintings in a museum or something.