How did you find this site?
found this site on the banner ad on 4chan, i think i was on /v/
What do you spend most of your time doing, tell us about it! Do you have any specific goals or aspirations related to that activity?
i spend most of my time either on vidya, watching stuff (been trying to get out of the habit of mindlessly watching YouTube) and exercising, especially riding my bike. one of my goals is to get better again at drawing. I used to be pretty good but just stopped for a long time.
If you had to summarize yourself in 1-2 short sentences, what would you say?
i overthink everything, like in a videogame trying to explore every nook and cranny.
What's your ultimate guilty pleasure, whether it's a book, TV show, game/series, or website? Don't hold back!
soulsborne games, i have way to many hours in ds3 pvp.