Spread the love, be they blogs, imageboards or what have you. Give us a brief description of it and what you like about it
(I dont mind if its your own site, but dont be too shilly about it)

Us smaller sites have to stay strong together!

    There this small site that's growing....they call it the 4chin, I frequent it, it's small now, but soon........

    there's this cool little forum called sheepish patio, it's a little autistic but the people are good

    There was one site I visited years ago where you had to solve a numbers puzzle to get access to the site. It was so long ago I can barely remember anything about the actual site other than after you got through the puzzle it was like a weird sci-fi distopian roleplay website. But you just would rp as a depressed person in current year. Still neat. I had saved the answer somewhere but I guess I lost it.
    Not in my note collection or junk drawer where most things end up.

      I really hope for replies to this thread but I'm afraid there won't be many. I hate to to say it but internet 1.0 was better. The geocites/angelfire websites had charm. Information wasnt compiled into giant aggregates like digg.com yet. My favorite old one was a skateboarding forum on ramprage.com. My riends and I used to post there circa 2000. I dont have any to contribute. All I visit any more is 4chan and the local ice rink for the ever changing public times. And now here.

      Fantasy This sounds cool and anticlimactic.

      Lumeinshin I know you've said why you started this project but it makes me wonder what aside from getting ahold of other people would prompt a person to make a non forum/imageboard website (that is not for business) in current year. The complete saturation of information at my fingertips really sucked a piece the mystery and with that the fun out the world.

      Lumeinshin I won't lie, the first thing I saw on there isn't a great first impression for me. A chess thread is pretty cool though, I haven't played in a while but I can see that being enjoyable through an anonymous board.


        what is he on about?

        click link

        oh fugg

        I've never seen that kind of thing on there before, poor sushi's
        EDIT: The jannies swept it up from what i can see, thank god

        Seconding Agora Road, it's the Internet's best kept secret after all! Speaking as a regular there, I've found it a fun place to hangout.

          Lain is that a darknet market? Agora and silk road used to be markets. I know it's not but the name indicates someone used to buy stuff from the cia.

          • Lain replied to this.

            I sometimes browse lainchan (which is how I found this site), although I have to admit the site has a bit of a depressing aura around it.

            Bearblog is a platform for creating bare bones blogs. They have a trending page which lists posts from all blogs on there, it's occasionally interesting.

            Read the Books of Sand Blogspot. It’s a horror/feels blog by some guy living in, I presume, Argentina of all places. It’s about him typing out the journal of unexplained events that his older brother kept before his passing. If you like stuff that has to do with the cultic, found/haunted media, hellhounds, political thriller, and general feels, go take a look.

            Now, there's certainly a playful reference to the SilkRoad, but it's just that, playful. To quote a description of Agoraroad a friend of mine there gave, "It's a tiny anti-establishment vaporwave forum." Also these days the vaporwave aspect of the forum is more secondary than it used to be

            Lain Well damn, I just got here and already ran into another traveller.
            As for me, Agora Road, lainchan, uboachan, tohno-chan, zzzchan and late.city when it was still up.

              Lumeinshin I used to frequent most of the english textboards when they still had activity. Very sad the concept never took hold in the english speaking world.

              Only one that still seems to get some posting is Post Office. It's a very comfy and high quality stopping place. Most rewarding to check it once every few weeks.


              Holy shit, you used to browse Tohno-chan too? That was a crazy place. Never have I been anywhere else with such a dense concentration of misery.

              denpa just went on Tohno real quick, and…those are a lot of rules. I get it, there’s so much wrong with 4chan currently, but…just chill, already. Was it always like that?

              • Lain replied to this.

                I used to browse Tohno-chan a bit over 10 years ago. I don't remember what the rules precisely were back then, but I do remember somebody getting banned for claiming/admitting that they were a girl. For lack of a better way of phrasing it, Tohno-chan was always intended to be a safe space for dysfunctional male losers (that might sound harsh but just browse the /so/ and /mai/ boards and see for yourself.) One of my friends once decided to troll there by posting a thread about how he turned his life around by going to church and volunteering, he was permanently banned within an hour for that. There's the famous saying that "misery loves company", and that's basically Tohno-chan.

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