nihongo normies learn because
i love reading manga! i want to read it in japanese!
japan is a beautiful country and i want to live there someday
my gf is japanese and i want a stronger connection with her
posters here study because
i want to be able to read all 40,000 han characters and their variants, gotta catch em all
古語 is superior and the only japanese worth learning
i want to become proficient in nishijin-ori and all the resources are in japanese
my doctorates thesis is on japanese vowel shifting in the nara period
i just cant not why do i even like this language please send help
Post what your studying, questions about Japanese, cool things you recently learned about the language or prominent people in the field.
Ask how to learn Japanese, how to find general Japanese lang resources, or post translation requests. There are plenty other places for that. If you witness someone doing this, DO NOT reply to them.