geekiest I'm alright, just got paid so... trying super hard to save up. bought this though, might buy photocards next
pyontri geekiest they look super nice is it like from a specific show you like or just some art you really like?
pyontri tom_tomson goals like you have are very respectable i have heard of a carnivore diet but im not too sure if it good for you or not, i am pretty uneducated in that type of diet what i eat is just pretty much everything in moderation
tom_tomson pyontri I’m not sure it’s the ‘best’ or anything. The best part is that it’s easy to remember the rules. Not meat? Don’t eat. I imagine long term effects could be bad, like any other restrictive diet. Maybe best used on and off in short bursts. I’m no expert though.
Fantasy I am busy in life but I am happy. Lots of things I want to do but I procrastinate a lot. Motivated and I do do stuff but boy I wish I could focus more.
Sailwing I'm doing alright. Work is busy but good, I'm hopefully meeting up with some friends in the next month or so, and my mental health is much better than it was this time last year. All in all, life is good.
magicrabbit Kind of musky. Don't let this distract you from the fact Lumen has not posted in 20 days I don't think it's all that important but it is weird for me not to have any notifications for this long
sonoko magicrabbit We're like nobles managing the kingdom while the King is away. Maybe less scheming, though.
Lumeinshin Very Generally? Doing alright, been playing around with a bunch of different software in the free time I get. Been focusing on some chores and dealing with family/friends birthdays magicrabbit sonoko Everyone has been very well behaved lol I've still been here and i've read everything, just not been posting!
warmcharm Well, I'm starting university next semester. I still have some months of doing nothing until then. Nothing much to say. I guess I'm doing fine overall
Colgatto I think I'm in love with someone so I oscillate between heightened states of emotion when she's around, longing and dread for a few days and then back to normal until I meet her again. It's good but also horrible. Of course she doesn't know
sungen Mediocre. Job market is shit and I just finished my degree with honors but I still can't find an entry level or anything, even with certificates, projects, and job experience. 🙁