dog Any New Year's Resolutions lads?? I think I'll try doing the same as Lex Friedman - writing 20,000 lines of code. That's about 80 lines per weekday, which seems like a reasonable enough goal.
Lumeinshin dog I dont really have anything major, just the usual: 'eat better', 'do more exercise', 'do well at work' I could have 'do x amounts of projects and plan properly' as one, since i'm really poor at planning any sort of project
gingermilk dog Happy New Year! I always ended up not taking any of my resolutions seriously so I found them a bit useless to me. But I want to have a healthier lifestyle in general.
Glagorian As one brave sponge once attempted, I am going to try and complete the "dirty bubble challenge," which is to hit a paddleball over 29 trillion times. I'm not sure if I'll be able to complete this task................. I wish you all a farewell and good luck in your future endeavors......
gemisthon Happy new year everybody. My resolution is to post here more ;^). That aside, I would like to read more this year. I think I only finished one book last year.
Financier Minimize the income through my W-2, and focus on passive forms of income, or at least active income that I enjoy. I'd love for just 10% of my income to be made passively.