Evernight What nonsense. Imageboards were an evolution of Textboards, they're nothing more than discussion boards which allow images. Moot himself only ever found the concept interesting enough to copy it because he could understand discussions in Futaba without understanding Japanese, because he could see the context from the images posted. With anonymity that also meant it was not your identity that mattered, but your ideas.
It was never about "truth", and neither is it now. Your "insults" and "memes" have only led to circlejerks where people with nothing to think and nothing to say lash out against what they don't like with as little effort needed. In what way then are words like nigger, tranny, faggot, etc. any different from any other social system where a common group of people can attack and isolate any others like (topically) Reddit's?
I assume you do not actually engage in any real discussion seeing as you have come up (or rather, adopted one of /pol/'s memes) with an elaborate excuse to shitpost as you please, or else you would have noticed by now that replying with "NIGGER" is nothing more than a downvote.