Radiant How long do people who are internet fasting typically fast for?
As far as I have heard, people that do internet fasts do them the last two or three hours of the day because it can help them sleep, or in the morning for the same amount of time to be as productive as possible. Doing a fast that goes for days or weeks isn't done too often outside of the first time, for blog content, or vacations.
TINT I lived for about 2 years completely without any internet,
How was it for those two years, and what kind of job did you have that didn't need it?
TINT the way HOW we use the internet is what truly matters
This is one of the most important things to understand about anything. Any sort of tool or activity used the wrong way can be malicious. The internet is a wonderful thing and can be much better than books for learning or self improvement. The problem is that almost no one ever uses it for that purpose. It's much easier to use it for short videos that don't ask you to think.
TINT I already see, that even here are social media mechanics like the thumb up/down buttons.
Aren't forums one of the more original social media sites?
Anyway I would not worry about things like that here. I haven't seen anyone fishing for thumbs up or any of the other things that plague more well known social media sites.