On July 19th 2024, CrowdStrike pushed a faulty update to their clients managed Windows systems via the falcon software. This update changed a file in the registry to an unreadable file that caused machines to crash during boot/BSoD (Blue Screen of Death). This issue affected everything from Television stations, trainlines, airports and more and for some is still ongoing.
The likely reason for the slow recovery is the need to manually remediate the issue on most devices affected. In some cases this can be done by any user, but for devices with BitLocker encryption there are further difficulties.
How has this affected you? Have you noticed much or been directly impacted?
I was both surprised and not that there were still companies having issues rectifying the situation. I saw Delta Airlines have been having issues even 4/5 days later. Luckily in my job IRL we haven't had any issues or clients with said issues.
I did receive a text message from my local GP saying their systems were all down though.
This thread may be "late" as far as public interest may go but I figured people may want to discuss their experiences over the past near week.