sanner Phantasia melodic machine girl... hm... like neon white? or do you mean gemini era music. i don't listen to much machine girl so you'll have to clue me in on what stuff that is
Phantasia sanner Neon White's OST is a very good example of what I mean. What I mean is more that his last few albums and eps have been more chill-focused on catchy melodies opposed to the hyper-aggressive sound he's had since Wlfgrl :p
sanner Phantasia the hyper aggressive sounds are what i dislike most about machine girl to be honest. it's a shame that's what they're mostly known for. Ugly art and U-Void are just not pleasant listens imo. do you like the aggressive tunes?
Phantasia sanner I like all sorts of music! My taste is all over the place tbh. I tend to attach to darker tones and themes but it's not the rule.
sanner really not a fan of CYNthoni but this was an alright bump. it just reminds me of how much i want more sewerslvt productions though
Nuda sanner sewerslvt is the shit. I live for what there is, these days. Here's the song I feel today, for the thread. Also try Get Involved by the same artist. Alternatively, this could be what I feel tomorrow and yesterday.
Melon Nero recently released the Too Many Questions EP and I am so so happy to hear them put stuff out again. Blame You is my favorite and Draw Energy is also really cool.
gemisthon Something about French phonology lends itself really well to rap, yet somehow every single French rap song not produced by Jimmy Jay (like this one) almost always consists of someone rapping over sad violin music about how much living in ”le banlieue” (ghetto) sucks. Reading the [cc] does make it clear to me that spoken French truly is unintelligible. Linnart this one is really nice.
pool I really like this 90's grungish band, I don't know why (sorry about the previous post, tried to copy an embed link from youtube)
Vesti IDLES - Dancer I only recently found this song due to following a celebrity on instagram. it's pretty good lol. I'm probably going to look into their discography a little more.
sanner CYNthoni (fka Sewerslvt) released a new EP a couple days ago. I've been off the web so i only first heard it yesterday. The 2 i've been digging are definitely meh.tuhl.hedz because i generally like the bass and synth, and system link because who doesnt like halo and the samples are really creative i think
1996FordMondeo Honestly today as of august 14th im once again listening to nightrunners OST Man freetube has been acting up(most likely caused by some yt api things) and i had issues listening to it. Man I love the OST sanner So sadboy sheldon is back eh? Honestly used to like his older shit later songs kinda sounded samey but man nekrophilia is an banger, defo will be burning it onto a cd since I want to hear it with a subwoofer again.
sanner 1996FordMondeo asc is alright. he usually has decent base lines. sadboy sheldon is such an outdated name, dont know why you still refer to sewerslvt with that moniker