Well, to add at least some meaning to the thread, while I myself is somewhere near the "donut tutorial" part myself, my recent project has been trying and extracting animate PS2 savegames' icons. Thing is, said icons are actually full 3D, animated.
To my surprise, to this day nobody really wrote the proper extractor for that format, even though all its details has been known well for years at this point. The best I could do was finding the extractor with an open source code and recompile it to extract all of the so-called shapes of the animation into separate models and the re-assembling the animation manually in Blender. The result is this:

Neat, I guess. Unfortunately, the whole process is kind of tiresome and the result really doesn't worth it. I actually contacted the creator of the open source tool I've used for the extraction, and he even replied to me with an awesome and very detailed post about the whole issue of extracting animations (despite the fact that he made the tool back in 2008, wow). In two words, the whole problem with animation extractions and his tool lies in the fact that the end format of the process - obj - doesn't really support animation. So to extract animations I would've need to re-write the tool from obj to fbx, which is way beyond my abilities, since the tool is in C++.
But that would be the programming problem rather than a 3D one, I guess.