Unexpected... but welcome. Well, here goes.
The best extension is pdf, but I attach docs as well. For the doc to be displayed properly, you gotta install some fonts, which should be in the archive as well. If there no fonts - then they are not needed. I also prefer to create soundtracks for my stories for whatever reason. I doubt they are anyhow actually useful - I know I wouldn't be able to read and listen at the same time - but they are there and that's it.
Now, let's roll.
Starting with a small two-page document that should vaguely explain minor basics.
Now, actual stories. The first one is, IMO, my best one, even though it is just a spin-off of a full-scale book.
The Massive One. It has several weak points here and there, but it is a real damn book and I wrote it with my hands... for better or for worse.
Not sure what to tell about the following one. It is just... here. I tried to show something unusual, the... mildly alien view of the world.
The following two are quite experimental. I tried to create some unusual presentation, and so I have every character his own font and color... and some other stuff. But, well, let'em be.
Now, there's also the first one which I decided to save. I wrote about a dozen stories before this one, but none were good enough to save'em. This is also quite a trash, IMO, and yet still... this is the first one which I looked on and told myself: it stays. So here it is.
There's also my sole endeavour into writing on english language, and it is available right here:
Or here:
This is it for now. Soon I will have my own website written and everything will be available via torrents there, but for now - have a wall of links.