I'll have to read the texts provided to see whether its "spam" or whatever
sure, and let me know whether you find anything linked to natsoc or right wing ideology (you won't)
I am irked somewhat by someone joining and going straight to 'X religion is a SHAM
i like to get to the point. the religion specified and the people that belong to it have set themselves above all others in this world believing that they are the chosen people and if people would just listen and adhere to their tenets and ways of doing things then peace may be established on earth. but what makes their pride so vain and foolish and them soo stupid is that one can use their own unadulterated scripture against them, which scripture their prophets wrote for them not anyone else and it seems like the prophets didnt really have much good to say about the religion specified and the people that belong to it which the author of the book draft proves soo succinctly. but what do they care? they just delete anything that says anything negative about them and continue being a pest for the people of earth like they have since their beginning. this is not meant to inspire hate of any kind and me doing this is not under the predjudice of any hate. its me being frustrated about how these people or for a more politically correct example 'mormons' control the free will of other people, pushing their schizo beliefs and idiocy on to the wider public which can be proven to be exactly that with pure logic and reason or at the very least, forcing the wider public to experience the negative effects of the beliefs and customs and the religious adherence to them
I think as well threads on the site are encouraged to be beginner friendly and laying info out via excerpts and such. I'm sure there is a way you could broach the topic in a better way that is more suitable for the site, perhaps its too niche for now.
the info is copyright protected or something like that. i cant even copy words from the pdfs. though i appreciate you allowing such things to be discussed. perhaps its because it uses pure reason and logic without any prejudice or hate attached. i dont know.
i wouldve posted this on /pol/ or /x/ or even /his/ but they dont deserve it because either they'll ignore it because they're just too busy replying to bait threads or they'll use it to fuel their hateful predjudice and beliefs. i have good will to all people. but when i see a group in obvious error and oblivious to that fact, i am obligated to share info that prove this to be the case regardless of whatever backlash there might be in me speaking truth or the real truth which is things how they really were, how they really are and based on those how they really will be