I believe that evil and good are simulacrums of action and reaction. In humans (and animals) this morality is the result of naturalism acting throughout the mind; much of these reactions and actions are emotional and thus immolated by willpower. Naturalism speaks further in the conscience of humans and affects much of the societal structure, thus, it affects the whole world.
About the presence of God: In my opinion, God exists in our minds as a need. I pray when I need to.
PS: I'm not a licensed psycho-something.

I suppose some might consider me an athiest, but i don't align myself with any religious sect. I don't not believe in god i just don't really care if one exists. The question of if there is some higher existence above our own doesn't effect my thoughts or actions and i'm not the slightest bit interested in expressing humility towards them if they were to exist. I live off the tenants of preservation of life and knowledge.

I don't believe in gods, But I find cool having something to believe in and to look for. In a way I think I don't really need something or someone to blame (or thank) besides me.
I think life is as it is. I like to think that you are here, then you die. And you should have fun in the process.
Find passions, Make friends and stuff.
Do I need answers? Don't think so, I enjoy it as it is. My destiny or whatever it is is not the point of it. It's not about the end, It's about the path you make for yourself.
Sounds pretty bland, maybe because I am but yeah.

As someone who lives in a country where Islam is kinda forced onto you,i don't really care about it.
i do some of the prayers and sayings because they are engraved in my brain since i was a kid but i never really believed in them and i just did em because i had to.
if people believe in religion,good for them but i don't want em to force it on me.

    4 days later

    I was raised very eclectically. My dad is a lapsed Lutheran and my mom was raised in the Disciples of Christ church. We ended up moving back to my mother's hometown when I was 7, so we go to her church now. I'm actually employed there, I operate the sound system. I do consider myself a Christian, but I'm not very good with my prayers. I was interested in Eastern Orthodoxy for a while when I was a youth.

    18 days later

    "Religion is comparable to childhood schizophrenia" - Freud

    islam, sunni (default belief set, not a “sect”)

    went through a religious questioning phase. emerged more grounded and relaxed.

    mellow sorry islam is forced onto you. when will people learn it just makes people build resentment for islam

    Organized religion was always a psyop to keep people docile and complacent in not questioning authority. It's a tool for mass control that has people waiting for a supposed savior to fix all their problems by placing their trust in institutions.

    Blind faith = good
    Critical thinking and common sense = bad

    • Atom replied to this.

      Jon the slayer I disagree, I think the vast majority of people "worship" something, whether they realize it or not. If not a traditional religion, then they'll turn to something else in order to find meaning or community, which may not necessarily be a good thing depending on what it is. Religion is far from perfect, especially when certain churches, temples, whatever become very dogmatic. However, if it encourages people and their local communities to act charitable and in good faith, then I personally see it as the best option.

        Atom It's not religion itself that does those things, but culture. You could have a religious culture that practices those things just like you can have a culture with their own values without religion. It's important for many to be part of a people that take part in different practices, but religion are one of the few places to find that in stratified alienated and individualistic societies many people are currently in. Religion is appealing because that is pretty much the only option for coping in this broken world. If religion gives some people meaning in this world, good for them.

          Jon the slayer

          You could have a religious culture that practices those things just like you can have a culture with their own values without religion

          yes but you chose to hate your dad.

          Jon the slayer I agree with the latter half of your post, but I do think also religion(s) can be partially responsible for propagating many cultures as well. This is especially true historically speaking. I'd be hard to imagine Europe without its Christian influence, the Middle East without its Islamic influence, Japan without Shinto-ism etc etc.

          it's a fascinating subject. the people clearly pretending to be "man of God", "man of Allah" or whatever really do bring it down for me though. i do have some respect for those who truly have faith and aren't just flip flopping between being this or that just for the "aesthetic".

          6 days later

          Ultimately the only kind of "religious" belief that really has stood up for me is some form of The Law Of Assumption, which is too complicated to describe here.
          I went through elementary / middle school in a Catholic school, and that made me think about spiritual things early on, but there was just a lack of actual solid things I could look to and say I believed in. I still go to church and follow most of the stuff I'm supposed to, but that's more of a cultural thing than really a firm belief.
          Whenever I go to church I try to make it a meditative experience, and usually this ends up in me having a completely different view on church and religion than anyone else around me. I really try to "feel" that I believe it and that I'll be sent a sign / good fortune / something like that, and for the most part it has made religion better for me.

          Basically when I go to church I'm 100% focused on the spiritual aspect, but it's obvious that everyone there, even the priest, is thinking about social / worldly things. It's like living in a separate world from the average person, even though I know all of the things I'm supposed to about Christianity I also know too much to just stop there, there has to be a next step.

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