How did you find this site?
I guess I found this website on sushi girl, though I wouldn't be able to point the exact post that led me here (I have dozens of Firefox tabs that I keep for later reading).
What do you spend most of your time doing, tell us about it! Do you have any specific goals or aspirations related to that activity?
The majority of my time is spent browsing image boards, tweaking my linux desktop, and self-learning new stuff.
If you had to summarise yourself in 1-2 short sentences, what would you say?
I am a computer enthusiast with an interest in formal languages and epistemology. I also enjoy mangas and iceberg charts.
What's your ultimate guilty pleasure, whether it's a book, TV show, game/series, or website?
All my hobbies are guilty pleasures. The ultimate one, I suppose, would be continuing discussions with those who have no desire to argue.

How did you find this site?
Intentionally refreshing 4chan to find good forum ads

What do you spend most of your time doing, tell us about it! Do you have any specific goals or aspirations related to that activity?
Trying to break bad habits, although my obsession over breaking them is itself a bad habit 😅 . Otherwise, some coding, reading, working out (arms only really), and sometimes sailing. I don't have goals unfortunately but hopefully I find something I'm passionate about.

If you had to summarise yourself in 1-2 short sentences, what would you say?
Strange laddy

What's your ultimate guilty pleasure, whether it's a book, TV show, game/series, or website? Don't hold back!
Cosmic brownies and social media

SheepishPatio How did you find this site?

4chan ads. I found the "A fourum for you?" line super endearing and decided to check the place out.

What do you spend most of your time doing, tell us about it! Do you have any specific goals or aspirations related to that activity?

My life right now has two modes that alternate more or less every other week, when I'm traveling on work on another state and when I'm home. When I'm working I'm working (duh) and for leisure either reading books or playing emulated/mobile games on my phone. When I'm home I usually play my pc games or go do outdoors stuff like camping or hunting or watching anime or horror movies with my one long distance friend online when our schedule meet

If you had to summarise yourself in 1-2 short sentences, what would you say?

I'm an extremely boring person.

What's your ultimate guilty pleasure, whether it's a book, TV show, game/series, or website? Don't hold back!

It's girly pop songs, shit like Carly Rae Call me maybe, Katy Perry, etc. It's extremely embarrassing and I'm always watching around if other people can hear it through my phones when I'm listening to them lol

    --- How did you find this site?
    I accidentally stumbled upon the Pleroma instance, saw it had a Clannad theme, saw there was a forum under the same people, and immediately joined at the thought of a key-themed forum that could potentially be similar to the kazamatsuri forums

    --- What do you spend your time doing?
    I love otaku culture, Linux, software, otaku culture, and otaku culture.
    I also spend a lot of my time avoiding social media and video games in order to minimize distractions only to spend all of my remaining time doing nothing but listening to music and waiting for the time to go by. Cool stuff.
    e-readers and flip phones are cool

    --- Summarise yourself
    I don't know how I would describe myself. In the past, I used to say "I try to be as transparent as possible" so that people knew that I often speak in a somewhat autistic manner purposefully, but now I feel like that doesn't accurately depict me, so I don't have any good one-liners to describe myself. I should give that some thought.

    --- Guilty pleasure
    Edgy 2000s anime, incest, Masamune-kun no Revenge s1, Sword art Online (aincrad),


    I'm an extremely boring person.

    As a fellow boring person I find it kinda insane how much creativity and/or topics to talk about some people have, especially authors of long novels. I always run out of things to say during conversations. If there are any extroverts or interesting people reading this, how 2 stop being boring?

      My problem was never finding things to talk about. I could go on and on and rant all day long. It's finding things to talk about that people are interested in hearing that's the catch lol

      I found it, like most people, through a 4chan ad. I'm not all that active, but I find this place rather chill, and still like being here. Let's just enjoy this place while it's quiet...

      I am another 4chan transplant.

      Most of my time I would call productive is my hobby time. Painting, chainmaille, building models, writing rules or fiction, reading books, so on. My current aspiration is assembling my own ruleset for a tabletop RPG. Please send me recommendations for new, strange, or exotic rulesets.

      As a summary I am a married man who loves the Lord. I spend my time at work tending to the chemical coating process at a glass factory, and my time at play with friends, family, and all types of tabletop games.

      Guilty pleasure? YouTube.... /tg/..... Too much of it. Oh, and craft rootbeer from the local cider mill.

      SheepishPatio How did you find this site?

      Much like the others, I came to know this site from the ad in the underwater jousting forum.

      What do you spend most of your time doing, tell us about it! Do you have any specific goals or aspirations related to that activity?

      Honestly I feel like I waste too much of my time online be it just browsing or reading random manga instead of dong something productive. I've been slowly cutting it and seems to be making progress though.

      If you had to summarise yourself in 1-2 short sentences, what would you say?

      I'm never much of a social person online and rarely ever post anything. That's not to say I'm very social irl, but I believe I'm slightly better there than online.

      What's your ultimate guilty pleasure, whether it's a book, TV show, game/series, or website? Don't hold back!

      Lurking, as can be seen this is my first post despite making the account 6 months ago. Maybe I'll start to post every once in a while from now on, I usually type up something and then end up deleting the whole thing lol. Gacha games would be another thing I would say is a guilty pleasure of mine. I know I shouldn't spend so much time on them yet I end up playing them, I've been playing less of them because of real life stuff and only stuck with the ones that don't waste too much time so I'd say it isn't so bad now.

      Wow, that was awkward, I signed up for an account and then the rollback hit so I had to signup again.

      How did you find this site?

      Like many others, a basket weaving site

      What do you spend most of your time doing, tell us about it! Do you have any specific goals or aspirations related to that activity?

      I write and recently took up learning pole dancing. I hope to finish my novel by 2024.

      If you had to summarise yourself in 1-2 short sentences, what would you say?

      A simple creature. I don't have great aspirations, but I think I've got a decent head on my shoulders.

      What's your ultimate guilty pleasure, whether it's a book, TV show, game/series, or website? Don't hold back!

      Occult stuff. I don't believe in it, but I sure would like it to be. Tends to be awfully cringy though.


        And I had replied to your original post and one part of it isn't there anymore so I can't use it anymore lol

        Can you give a synopsis of your novel?

          Apologies about the rollback, I made a daft mistake and could only roll it back. Thank you for rejoining agoraoptera
          I'll evaluate my stuff and make plans to avoid stupid things like that again


            How did you find this site?

            Saw your guys' ad on /v/ in one of the rare instances i was browsing without adblock.

            What do you spend most of your time doing, tell us about it! Do you have any specific goals or aspirations related to that activity?

            I spend too much time on Youtube and misc. doomscrolling tbh. That's a habit I'm trying to break.
            When I'm not doing that I'm usually reading, playing videogames, or doing tabletop gaming stuff. For reading material I recently picked up Starship Troopers and C.S. Lewis' Cosmic trilogy. For vidya, I started playing Outer Wilds the other day and have been giving No Man's Sky a shot too. Tabletop wise I've got a Saturday and a Tuesday game right now in two different systems, Nechronica and Pathfinder 2e respectively. Tuesday game is with a bunch of longtime friends and the Saturday game is a group I'm mostly new to (I was invited by a mutual friend) but they've been fun. I also have an interest in firearms and go shooting now and then.

            I used to write for fun. I keep trying to get back into it but I inevitably slip back into paging between different tabs and doing nothing at my desk. Have to break out of my scrollitis some more I guess. I've considered getting a typewriter.

            I've also started collecting music records but I'm not sure how much that qualifies as a hobby.

            If you had to summarise yourself in 1-2 short sentences, what would you say?

            I'm a pretty generic videogame nerd whose slowly transitioning into luddite-lite.

            What's your ultimate guilty pleasure, whether it's a book, TV show, game/series, or website? Don't hold back!

            My Saturday game is set in the Fallout: Equestria fan universe so I'll give you a guess. I also used to be involved in fanfiction back in the day (for a couple fandoms). I'll still occasionally go digging to see if I find anything interesting. Sometimes I do.

            Unfortunate, but alas! IT problems will always haunt us.
            Basic premise is a fantasy world with North and South countries. Demons and Monsters plague the lands, which have been abandoned by the Gods. North is happy fun sunshine land because they have a few divine relics left behind that empowers Heroes, and Heroes are bullshit who break the laws of physics all over the place. South kingdom is misery suffering Mordor land because they don't have divine help. However, the South has a limited capacity to tame the evil beasties and use them in all fashions, eg ogres as pack mules, and is sort of allied with a couple of Archdemons, so the South is just barely holding its own against the North.
            MC is the princess of the South. Shortly after the queen's passing, her father the Kyriarch declares her wanted for treason, and she's escaping with her soldiers and trying to figure out what's going on, because her dad's seemingly gone mad.

            No worries! It was just an odd moment where I was questioning my sanity until I noticed the announcement haha. All good!

              That sounds pretty cool actually. Having the MC be from the nasty place was a good move I think because it opens up a bunch of interesting scenarios. Do you have plans for the publishing?

                Thanks! Yeah, I thought it might be a nice perspective to play with.
                No plans for publishing whatsoever. I think if I worried about that, I'd be too consumed by fears of making the story 'nice' and 'suitable' for mass appeal or commercial viability. Instead, I want to finish the novel for myself. If publication ever comes into play, then so be it. But I'm writing it firstly and foremost for myself. A personal accomplishment. And then I'll force ask some of my friends to read it.

                What kinda games do you play btw?

                  I feel you, as a way to deal with my dyslexia I used to force myself to write short stories and lewd totally sfw fanfics for strictly personal use so I know all about writing for yourself

                  Whenever you do finish it or even if you have a rough draft or a chapter ready I volunteer myself to be part if your readership, your world sounds mega neat.

                  My favorite genres are big rpgs with worlds you can get lost into. Right now I'm replaying Dragon's Dogma for the most part. I'm still playing Oblivion and maybe I'll move on to Skyrim but I'm a slow player so who knows when thats gone be.
                  Other than that I play DBD and LoL a bunch.

                    Hahaha nice. I've never been able to write smut myself, for various reasons.

                    I'd be honoured to show you my writing, but I'm only about a third through the full story. Maybe I'll polish up a 'complete' section and post it here in the near future, if that's not too self-promotey.

                    I've never played Dragon's Dogma myself, though I heard good things about it. I was much more into big open world games when I was younger, but I think I lack the energy for it these days. Good times.

                      I never got around to even think of attempting an actual novel, I think the longest short story I wrote was about 15 pages long but I was quite proud of it. Not so much of the quality (it was quite crappy if I'm honest) but that I finished it at all. Is this you first try or do you have more work done too?

                      I really recommend Dragon's Dogma because it is one of my favorite games and I think an absolutely amazing story with plenty of cool characters and neat lines. Do you still play any games?

                        Aye, finishing something is a milestone worth remembering. I've written a lot of rubbish, but very few of it is finished. Usually end up writing myself into a corner somehow. But this time, this time for sure. I'm committed to finishing this one. I've been working on it for about 9 months now.

                        I see, I probably won't get around to it in the near-future, but I'll keep DD in mind. At present I'm on a gacha game (yes, gacha bad) called Punishing: Gray Raven. Also recently picked up Remnant 2, just beat the last boss a couple days back. But I'm limiting my overall gaming time, just because it eats into my writing time. Ain't enough hours in the day for the stuff I want to do. Work is a pain.

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