How did you find this site?
I guess I found this website on sushi girl, though I wouldn't be able to point the exact post that led me here (I have dozens of Firefox tabs that I keep for later reading).
What do you spend most of your time doing, tell us about it! Do you have any specific goals or aspirations related to that activity?
The majority of my time is spent browsing image boards, tweaking my linux desktop, and self-learning new stuff.
If you had to summarise yourself in 1-2 short sentences, what would you say?
I am a computer enthusiast with an interest in formal languages and epistemology. I also enjoy mangas and iceberg charts.
What's your ultimate guilty pleasure, whether it's a book, TV show, game/series, or website?
All my hobbies are guilty pleasures. The ultimate one, I suppose, would be continuing discussions with those who have no desire to argue.