I saw Rush on their Time Machine tour with my dad when they were making their way through Texas. Really great time, although they panicked the security staff when they set off a cherry bomb or something during their performance of Marathon.

It was a treat to see them live. Especially watching Neil Pert do his thing. At one point, while Geddy and Alex took a break Neil put on a drum solo that was so involved it required a 360 drum kit that rotated around him. Probably the most memorable part of the show.
Aside from that, I saw Imagine Dragons in concert with a buddy in college. They were fine I guess, although I struggle to recall much of the show itself.
As for advice... get a pair of earplugs. Especially if you go to a lot of shows. I know that's probably counter-intuitive but concerts are loud as shit. If you're really a stickler for sound quality then you can get something like Surefire's EP7s, that have a filter channel down the middle. They're made with the intention that you can still understand people talking around you at the gun range; a pair of these or something like them should let you enjoy the music as loud as you like without putting your ears at risk.