Ranking of Kings is an anime that was released in 2022. I wouldn't say it was one of the most popular series of the year, but it was definitely one of the most praised. It concerns a little "deaf and mute" prince who aims to be a great king one day like his father. His father dies and there is soon a conflict over the thrown and despite being the first-born, Bojji step-brother Daida now rules the kingdom. Shenanigans ensue and Bojji must leave the kingdom on their quest.
I won't spoil to much as I did the previous overview. I understand why the series was praised so much. A cute and unique artstyle with some very wholesome moments, but these positives cannot erase some of my own problems with the series. Some peoples motives do not make much sense or aren't developed enough to give them compelling reasons for acting how they do such as the main villain of the series. They have a sad backstory for sure, but it isn't fleshed out enough for my liking. It leaves many questions. Furthermore, while this "king ranking" concept is the basis for the show, there does not seem to be much of a reason for this ranking. Kings appear to want to increase their ranking, but for what purpose does it serve? What is it with this council that is responsible for ranking the kings? The end alludes to the #1 king has it's privileges, but I cannot remember what for. Bojji's dad decided to form a kingdom one day, but for what purpose? He increased his king ranking through various means, but I cannot fathom why. Perhaps I missed it while watching.
Anyways, I rate it 7/10.