Fimm I love the outdoors and love to explore areas surrounding home, there are always cool places to be found there. I also like to take the more adventureous paths while walking to and from town. But I rarely go properly hiking or camping, as in, making campfire or sleeping in a tent etc. But whenever I do, I always take a trangia with me for cooking.
Murderbunny Lumeinshin Aah sorry for the lack of feedback, it's been a pretty hectic week. It was really neat, the trail we were planning on taking was actually closed off due to some recent fires so we had to take another one that was significantly steeper, but not enough to leave us too exhausted to enjoy the camping at the end of the day. I'm also glad to say it was sunny all throughout which for the PNW it's jackpot lol Fantasy I'm more a fan of roughing up than glamping but I'm not like some of the more elitist people that thumb their noses at campers/RVs. I think that anything that encourages people to spend time outside is a good thing. Fimm I like making actual campfires when camping but if I'm camping on a hiking trip I usually bring a small rocket stove with me. They're quicker to set up and fires and lighter than propane canister stoves. It helps that I usually only use the stove to boil water or make a quick stew out of dehydrated stuff I bring with with me. Then again it is major a pain when it's raining and you can't find good dry kindle lol
Fantasy I like tent camping. Used to do it all the time. Bring nothing but a tent, some sleeping bags, and a tripod grill to cook stuff over the fire. Do nothing but sit around a fire all day, cooking fish you caught or stuff you bought from a local market right over the fire. Good stuff. My family still goes camping but they've since bought a luxurious camper and it's not the same.
Lumeinshin Murderbunny how did your hiking trip go? Fantasy I do enjoy watching camping videos, some of them are very informative
Murderbunny Sorry for the double posting, I was considering making a new thread for this for this but it is still related to the topic and I might as well bump this thread. I went hunting boars with my brother this weekend, just came back home a couple hours ago. Boars are nocturnal so the trip was basically a regular camping trip during the day and at night we'd take the truck and patrol the harvested corn fields looking for boars feeding on loose corn. I haven't had as much fun in ages, my brother is in the army and he let his tactical training show and it kinda felt like we running a military operation. We also brought home enough meat to last till xmas lol
agoraoptera Murderbunny Yo, that's super cool. I live in a country that is 80% urban AND both guns and hunting are illegal, there's nowhere I could roam to really have such an experience. A quick search says the forest area is either only 3% or 21% of the land area (not sure about why there's a discrepancy, maybe something about definitions). Do you have any pictures of the boar or the hunting area, if you're comfortable sharing?
Murderbunny mechap I love mountains. I grew up in the Cascades and later moved to Nevada, and more than the heat and the sand, seeing no features in the land at all has been the hardest part getting used to. Somehow it just feels wrong for me not to be moving up and down constantly. Merulox It was. Boars are an invasive species here so there's also the feel good factor of protecting our native critters too.
mechap I live in a mountainous area, which gives me the opportunity to do a lot of hiking. It is also a great place to camp among the wildlife (mostly alpine ibex, chamois, etc).
mechap Murderbunny I feel you. I'm going to college in a big city next year and I'm sure I'll be nostalgic for the countryside. Mountains certainly make for great scenery.
John Titor Sounds interesting, but have never actually done anything outdoorsy? outside of hiking, though that was years ago.
Murderbunny Murderbunny Oh definitely, I just wasn't sure if people would get squamish at pics of dead animals. I'll look for one that isn't too graphic and if ppl are ok with it I can post more. Lemme just figure it out. Ok I think I got this. These are the least gorey ones. Oh and the reason I'm pointing the gun at the boars is because I had to use the attached flashlight since the camera's flash wasn't doing a good job. I had a friend ask me if I was trying to make it look like an FPS but that was just the easiest way lol
agoraoptera Murderbunny Hah! It sure does look like an FPS. That's really cool though. I've only ever seen this sort of stuff through abstracted layers of media, and seeing your pics makes it a little more real. Neat. I had wild boar once in Taiwan and quite liked the taste. How do your brother and you cook/enjoy the meat?
Murderbunny agoraoptera The male boars generally have very strong tendons and a lean meat which makes them too much on the chewy side so we usually mince them and use it fill sausages. The females are fatter and don't run around as much so we tend to just eat them like we would regular pork. The owner of the land where we killed them is a trained veterinarian and he inspected the boars for typical diseases and they were all clean, but still you generally want to cook the meat of wild game very thoroughly. My favorite is taking a hindquarter, cover it with spices and honey or licorice, wrap it in alunminun foil and let it slow cook over a charcoal fire. Takes about 5 hours to be done but by the end it is almost melting. Most of the ones we got were pregnant females so they were even fatter than normal. (Normally you're not supposed to kill pregnant game but since we're supposed to be eradicating them it was actually a good thing) mechap Good luck starting the college life. Maybe you can find some meetup groups there and for a hiking trip or something?
Fimm Photos from an overnight, 57km hike I did last summer/autumn: I mostly stuck to road for the first part of the journey. With the hill I was aiming for always peeking just above the treeline. The sky was clear in it was warm the entire day. It was the highest point in my home region. Just around 180m above sea level, I twisted in-between the lesser hills that filled the area, through steep dells that were full of big and small rocks have been left there by retreating glaciers. It was rather treacherous. And at many parts the soil was very thin, under which lay solid rock, so a slip would have been very unfortunate. And elevation map of the area shows what a maze it is. The evening I spent traveling on backroads. I took a shortcut through the backyard of a cottage which doesn't appear to have been inhabited for years. These are quite common. I made food with my trusty trangia. It was a simple "pour boiling water and stir" ration pack. I also never take a tent with me, as a bivouac and sleeping bag can just as well, and are lighter too. I spent the night on top of a smaller hill. The next day the country became much more open. The weather was also alot cooler. It felt like I went to sleep in the summer and woke up in autumn. Walked the rest of the day back home on a main road and crossed a couple of pretty streams.
pwohmy Fimm amazing pictures! man, i can't wait for winter to pass so i can get out again. i feel the most at peace surrounded by nature just listening and feeling. my gym buddies and i are planning a backpacking trip before the summer comes around. really beautiful stuff. making my cabin fever even worse lol.
vuilhund went camping this weekend and it was awesome I went with my girlfriend and I busted my ankle but all is fine it was fun the bugs are coming out wherei live so garden spiders are everywhere