My generation played first Mafia as kids/teens, so when the Mafia II came out, they expected the first Mafia, but better, especially since a lot of the features were spotted in the demo showcase videos. When it came out without melee weapons, trams and whatever else, it seemed like everyone threw a massive fit for whatever reason, while I was, like, the only one who enjoyed the game. Or so it seemed.
Well, Fallout 4 botched a lot of stuff massively, to the point that it is hard to call it Fallout. It seems like a good game, but not a good Fallout. Frankly, that's the problem I have with all these companies: bastards are too lazy to promote and establish new IPs; they prefer to exploit old ones to the point that new IP barely even resembles the old one. Like Star Wars under Disney. It has barely anything similar to old Star Wars. I mean, both nuWars and classic ones are sci-fi, but that's about it. Disney should've just made its own sci-fi franchise at this point, especially since Star Wars has been out there since the 80's. Just leave it alone, let it be a sweet memory of the times that were, but nooo, we just gotta milk every last cent from it until we alienate everyone... if that's even possible, since you can always market new stuff to the new generations of kids. Ugh.
Anyway, still haven't tried Fallout 4. Once again, it seems like a solid game, but barely a good Fallout. Should've called it something else... I mean, they already did it with Rage once.
Oh, by the way, another example, maybe? I think, not much people liked Rage, while I enjoyed it, and quite.