@sanner @SteadmanSlick
Getting groups together is hard, especially on a more wide scope website like this one. Most of our users probably do play some games, but the interest in each game is different and even the type of interest is different.
We've had the idea floated to have a sheepishpatio server or gamenight but the site was still very early days.
I did look at hosting a minetest server running one of the mineclone mods, but it's admin capabilities were basically non existant which was a shame and put a bit of a damper on those prospects. (Couldn't spawn protect areas or anything)
Rather than go into that direction it might be worth coordinating with other similar size sites or those on our friends of the site page for some events. For example I saw wapchan's Figamin hosted a tf2 server for a bit, which we could have organised some time/advertising to for Patio users to join.
That is one of the ideas, or maybe depending on interest level we could look at free games or games with private servers to have a night on. Phantasy Star online springs to mind as there are well respected private servers for that game. That would be a niche interest though
The other sort of hybrid approach would be to have a calendar where games and times are listed/suggested as a rough estimate of when people might be on.
There's an element of expectation management and giving the game nights/days the best chance of having people, as well as not making people feel forced to join. With me as an example, I feel like "its been a busy month IRL" has been something I've said most months and I don't think I've hit the peak of a busy productive month. (That might say more about my job than anything). So I couldn't say how much personally I could commit to organising and taking part, although I'd love to do so.
I can see what I can do in regard to giving some indication/ideas on the site though for sure. It'd probably have to go through some voting and maybe discussions with other site admins. No point doubling up on things if we don't have to, so long as people play by the rules of said server.
I'll see what can be done as far as a segment on the site where we can put dates/times for events and locations and probably end up posting again with findings/ideas
All that said (I may be bored on the train to work)...
Game suggestions and event ideas are ofc welcome
@sanner you did ask if I had some ideas... So I hope this covers it