No one deserves what he went through. He was a cornerstone of the furry community regardless of anyone's opinions on him. Without him, I probably wouldn't have met a solid portion of my friends, a lot of (furry) artists wouldn't have gotten off the ground or even become an artist at all. I don't know if I'd have ever even considered picking up art if not for them. They were kind, generous and absolutely incredible, even if I never personally interacted with them. They dedicated SO much time, money and probably tears to the site and fandom as a whole. It sounds like they've also more-or-less anonymously helped a ton of struggling furries, sometimes emotionally, sometimes financially. He didn't have to, but he did anyway.
It's worth noting that he might have had a real chance at life, if the American healthcare system were not so horribly rigged against the public. He was trying to get a diagnosis, trying to get care, trying to go through the correct channels and he was strung along for every penny he had, then denied care anyway. And the worst part, it could happen to anyone (in the USA at least) at any time, for no reason other than sheer bad luck.
I'm honestly in shock about this, still. He's just kind of, always been there, it's weird to imagine the site without him. Some people are using this as an excuse to hate on him. It's depressing to see. Like, I personally disagreed with how he chose to ran the site here and there, but goodness, some terrible people are really crawling out of the woodwork, heedless to how bad of a time it is to do so.
Rest in peace to an amazing person.