smirkosantana Anyone got any good tips with boosting testosterone? My shit is tanked and I don't know if just working out is gonna cut it.
frijole del alta smirkosantana depends on what you mean. theres a few things im aware of, like cutting fast/processed foods, working out like you mentioned, and also abstaining from wanking is another one. unknown sources also say tobacco consumption increases testoserone too.
Ross_R smirkosantana I'm not the one who should be posting this, since I know IlluminatiPirate is registered here, and he is the owner of Agora Road, but said forum has a following write-up from one of the prominent users who is kind of bent on meditations, mysticisms and more mundane... nuances: Hope you will find it anyhow useful.
Lumeinshin smirkosantana What frijole del alta says is pretty good. I think generally you shouldn't directly worry about that kind of thing. Exercise is generally a good thing to do and makes it easier to do things. So long as you can do anything you try to do, you are good. Make sure to eat a good variety of food (we're almost all guily of not doing so) Try not to stress at least, chasing a number that you can't easily improve/see changes to without changing habits and common activities will only stress you out imo. I'm not the guy to give too much advice, I'm always a bit less active or eating less of the right foods than i'd like but thats my two cents.