I saw a video about Frutiger Aero and minimalism, the two styles are polar opposites but we saw a big shift from the 00s into the 10s. We're in the midst of the 20s yet, but idk about you but I havent really seen a major change as far as style goes. If anything its been more of a slow decline into the more simple vector images and such for corporate and applications.
Minimalism is all about simplicity, clean lines, and that whole 'less is more' idea. Whereas Frutiger Aero seems to go against the minimalistic vibe with its dynamic, intricate style.

I've shamelessly taken this picture from Reddit, tho the user was deleted so i cant even mention them here
When thinking about design styles, what do you think we're heading to in future?
I remember in 2014-18 there was a bit of a push in some circles to bring back the Memphis design style, at least for music anyway. Will we see a return of Y2K era stuff or Aero next?
Will we find a synthesis between the various styles?
This is the thread to talk all about it!