Since we want to avoid people signing up, shilling/posting their site link and leaving, with no intent to return or build a friendly bridge between our communities, I figured I should make a thread with the rules/requirements for posting
The usual Post Etiquette applies here too. But generally please keep the following in mind;
1. This tag is for Communities that are relevant to our site.
If you are a site selling lumber, chances are we cant be 'friends', although your business might be nice. We will not become a support forum of any kind.
2. Be an admin for the site/someone who can make the choice to reach out.
It is hard to reach out and establish links both ways if you are not capable of doing so.
3. Describe the site
Why is your site relevant to us? Why would our users want to check yours out? Why would we want to 'endorse' you so to speak.
4. You can be rejected for any reason
We are typically very easy going, as that is the vibe of the site, however for whatever reason your site may not be relevant or one that the admins (me) want to point people directly to. Your site may ofc be discussed in the Niche sites that you frequent and/or love thread instead as that is a general discussion thread rather than a formal outreach.
5. A want to use the site / What about here appeals to you.
What do you like about the site? Are we similar in what way?
6. We generally want to avoid drama / politics / excess negativity
This site prides itself on being quite level headed. We have users with political opinions, however we do not want that clouding every post on the site. You are allowed to post politics or drama on this site, provided you are reasonable, explain yourself to the best of your ability and generally approach it all with a sense of maturity. Relevance to the topic is required, if you are unsure whether it would be allowed, explain yourself. Those are the rules this site operates on, and we would typically expect similar of any overtly 'friendly' sites, as such we will avoid directly affiliating with sites that have that as a focus. If there is a site that provides good information/resources but also has drama boards/threads/sections we will likely put a disclaimer for our users. Same with NSFW content. Please note that if there is a topic related to hobbies that has become contentious elsewhere, we will not outright ban discussion pertaining to it like other sites. So that will not affect any consideration.
Thanks. Apologies on the long winded nature of this section. I wanted to give you a good idea on how I think on this kind of thing. This page may be edited at any time.

If any sort of 'our users may like' hosted on this site or declaration of friendship between sites is a two way street, but also to many will indicate an endorsement or agreement with that site in every respect. Whilst I do not agree that being told a site is in good graces with us, we do still want to reserve that position to sites which have a good overlap with ours or provide interesting resources of value.
Our Friends are listed here