The "magic" one, I had diary entries/loose papers from 2014 about my first attempts at tulpamancy, but the ones that I could find are from 2017, and reading what survived, gave me some hindsight to the errors I made. Basically you need to feel it, not think it.
Don't see it as a task that needs to be completed on a deadline. But as a little journey in your head you'll be experiencing with no destination. My first tulpas tries where very artificial, lots of coordination: "I'm going to work on my tulpa for X amount time and get results by Y." This never worked for me.
After re-reading the guides around the net. I decided to use the more magical method of: "Tulpa is already sentient." Sentience is one of the big end goals of tulpamancy, next to imposition. Something that I originally believed took 1000 of hours to reach, but to jump-start on one of the major milestones, ease my mind into taking a more lax approach. Which made it a more enjoyable experience.
It might sound counterproductive but don't force it, go with the flow of the journey. If you are getting frustrated at yourself or the tulpa for not reaching a certain goal after hours of active/passive forcing, just remember that the tulpa is sentience form the very first time you thought about it, and all that is needed now is time, and it varies form person to person.
It took me about 5/6 years to figure this out, and got a results for the "feel" tulpa on the 34th day!