My grandpa served on the USS Pondera in WW2.
He said you never wanted to go below deck where the marines were. It was always covered in vomit. Also said they were the dumbest sons a bitches he ever seen. Ain't no way he was going running up that beachhead.
Honestly with where I live (landlocked for thousands of miles) I find large boats are terrifying. A canoe or little boat is fine but much like being up high, being out at sea is not natural. Ever been deep sea fishing? Fucking nerve racking. A boat the size of a building? Might as well be a gilded water coffin. Yes, I have thalassophobia. I'm also uncomfortable with docks and things like that too.
Pic is the only reasonable size a boat should be. Going any bigger is like using numbers bigger than your fingers. There is no need.